Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marriage Is A Part Of Most People s Lives All Across The...

Marriage is a part of most people’s lives all across the world. No difference in religion, culture, or country matters; marriage is a universal concept. People brought together by love. Today more than half of all first marriages end in divorce and sixty percent of all second marriages end in divorce. These statistics bring the rise of questions concerned of the shocking numbers. What happens during that time that causes such destruction on the people and the relationship? This subject of marriage and the increasing statistics of failing marriages is worthy of study, effects me personally, and could be studies further. Marriage is worthy of study for many different reasons. Marriage is a part of many people’s everyday life all across the globe. Whether it be you are married yourself and are dealing with the struggles that come along with marriage, are just a kid and have happily married parents, or a child whose parents are dealing with a messy divorce, or possibly just a single man or woman with the hopes of marriage in the future; chances are you fall into one of these categories. With that being said, this means there is an immense amount of people struggling everyday through an unhealthy relationship. If the reason for these debacles is studied, there is a possibility for finding the reasoning behind it and eliminating it. This would lead to a decrease in the number of divorces and lead to more happily married, thriving couples. This is important to study because notShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Movement And Exchange Of Goods, Services And Ideas1471 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalism is the movement and exchange of goods, services and ideas between different parts of the world. 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