Wednesday, September 2, 2020


On the beautiful mists, lays a tranquil castle †a wonderland. A strange man looks down at the enchantment mud; as he moves his colossal hand on the mud, a delicate figure gradually shows up. In no time flat, as he applauds, snaps his fingers, steps his feet, a-lot of honest flawless lives were made. â€Å" You,† he pointed at the cumbersome dairy animals, â€Å" you need to work each day and night and you may just eat green grass. I declare, you will claim 50 years of life. † He said in a delicate voice as he hands the cow a red rose with 50 full petals.The cumbersome dairy animals gradually lifted up â€Å"Dear powerful God, in the event that I can just work and not appreciate life, I would prefer to live for a long time. † and the ungainly cow pick 30 stout petals from the rose and tosses them noticeable all around. The man gestures his head, and the cow greenery as she leaves. â€Å" You, sir,† he pointed at the ridiculing monkey â€Å" you need t o perform for individuals and be a comedian. I declare, you will have 40 years life. † He said in a thoughtful voice, and he gave the taunting monkey a red rose with 40 full petals. The deriding monkey yells â€Å" I just need 10 years of life and bye. † The monkey picks 30 stout petals as he hop and leaves the room.The man grins vulnerably and goes to the last creation. â€Å" you, my exquisite child kid, you just need to rest, to play, to have a fabulous time; you will have 10 years to make a mind-blowing most. † The man grins with adoration in his eyes and he hands the kid a red rose with 10 plumps petals. The child kid cheers and moves. An idea creeps into his pristine brain. â€Å" My Lord 10 years isn't sufficient to appreciate life, I heard the ungainly dairy animals allowed you 30 years back thus did the deriding monkey,† he said honestly with his squinting eyes. â€Å" If you love me, give me those 60 years so I may totally make a mind-blowing mo st. The man shakes his head and says, â€Å" Whatever you like my youngster, in any case, don’t lament. † God brings the fallen blossoms and reunites the stout petals to the sweet stem. As time passes by , the child kid has a fabulous time for his initial 10 years of his life, attempts to death for the accompanying 30 years and closures his existence with imploring other for 30 additional years. The bot perspectives on the world changes as he experiences various phases of his life. He gains his revelation as he gradually dies lastly understands the integrity around him. The kid shut his drained eyes with a heavenly attendant like grin all over as the keep going petals on the rose gradually tumble to the ground.

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