Wednesday, September 2, 2020


On the beautiful mists, lays a tranquil castle †a wonderland. A strange man looks down at the enchantment mud; as he moves his colossal hand on the mud, a delicate figure gradually shows up. In no time flat, as he applauds, snaps his fingers, steps his feet, a-lot of honest flawless lives were made. â€Å" You,† he pointed at the cumbersome dairy animals, â€Å" you need to work each day and night and you may just eat green grass. I declare, you will claim 50 years of life. † He said in a delicate voice as he hands the cow a red rose with 50 full petals.The cumbersome dairy animals gradually lifted up â€Å"Dear powerful God, in the event that I can just work and not appreciate life, I would prefer to live for a long time. † and the ungainly cow pick 30 stout petals from the rose and tosses them noticeable all around. The man gestures his head, and the cow greenery as she leaves. â€Å" You, sir,† he pointed at the ridiculing monkey â€Å" you need t o perform for individuals and be a comedian. I declare, you will have 40 years life. † He said in a thoughtful voice, and he gave the taunting monkey a red rose with 40 full petals. The deriding monkey yells â€Å" I just need 10 years of life and bye. † The monkey picks 30 stout petals as he hop and leaves the room.The man grins vulnerably and goes to the last creation. â€Å" you, my exquisite child kid, you just need to rest, to play, to have a fabulous time; you will have 10 years to make a mind-blowing most. † The man grins with adoration in his eyes and he hands the kid a red rose with 10 plumps petals. The child kid cheers and moves. An idea creeps into his pristine brain. â€Å" My Lord 10 years isn't sufficient to appreciate life, I heard the ungainly dairy animals allowed you 30 years back thus did the deriding monkey,† he said honestly with his squinting eyes. â€Å" If you love me, give me those 60 years so I may totally make a mind-blowing mo st. The man shakes his head and says, â€Å" Whatever you like my youngster, in any case, don’t lament. † God brings the fallen blossoms and reunites the stout petals to the sweet stem. As time passes by , the child kid has a fabulous time for his initial 10 years of his life, attempts to death for the accompanying 30 years and closures his existence with imploring other for 30 additional years. The bot perspectives on the world changes as he experiences various phases of his life. He gains his revelation as he gradually dies lastly understands the integrity around him. The kid shut his drained eyes with a heavenly attendant like grin all over as the keep going petals on the rose gradually tumble to the ground.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Market & social research - research proposal Essay

Market and social research - inquire about proposition - Essay Example The monetary emergency affected adversely on the investment funds of the British open as most banks lost the reserve funds endowed to them by investors. As per Buckley, one of the significant supporters of the worldwide money related emergency was the indefensible ascent in subprime contract loaning (2011). Some portion of the purpose behind the ascent in subprime contract loaning is owing to the government’s own endeavors to win votes and prevalence by making it simple for people in general to purchase homes. Additionally, the banks rode on this high hazard obligation items because of their capability to produce tremendous benefits. The banks utilized the home loan advances with credit default trades and the mass disappointment of borrowers to take care of prompted included degrees of obligation the banks’ books of record. Eventually, the summit of mass defaults prompted the monetary emergency. Because of globalization, the budgetary emergency negatively affected numer ous nations since the world economies are interconnected. The credit crunch had cross cutting impacts that influenced practically all divisions of the economy. This prompted social monetary changes that had direct effect on the British open (Akinbami 2011). This paper will assess the British open perspectives towards the financial part after the monetary emergency. ... The onus is upon the budgetary administrative offices to set up the open mentalities and actualize techniques to guarantee that the monetary segment is emphatically seen by people in general (Hodson and Deborah 2009). The requirements of bank clients are advancing quickly and it is consequently fundamental for banks to set up modern plans that can viably provide food for the developing needs of their clients. Targets 1. To explore the public’s disposition towards the financial segment after the money related emergency. 2. To set up the open observations on who is to be faulted for the monetary emergency 3. To recognize the data that people in general gets with respect to the financial business in the United Kingdom and how this data influences their perspectives towards the banks 4. To set up the purchaser drifts in the financial area and the advancing needs of the bank clients 5. To distinguish the financial items that the clients will require in twenty years time. Restrictio ns The area of the investigation involves all the general population and it is hard to get to all the areas of people in general. Get the job done to say, the examination will be limited to an example of the open chose through comfort inspecting. It is additionally eminent that various changes have happened in the financial area after the monetary emergency and new factors may add to the open mentalities towards the financial division. Research Design It is significant that the sentiment and mentalities of the individuals from the general population ought to be effectively watched and recorded. This examination will receive a down to earth reasoning so as to adequately gather data about the recognitions and perspectives of the general population. It is essential to that the idea of the examination issue requests for numerous perspectives to properly reply

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ancient Greeks and Romans Essay Example For Students

Old Greeks and Romans Essay The accomplishments of the old Greek and Romans have impacted our lives beyond what we might envision. Right up 'til the present time we despite everything utilize numerous thoughts and lifestyles that they utilized a great many years prior. A significant number of the advanced, open, government structures and landmarks mirror the plan highlights of the old Greeks and Romans in view of their tastefulness and excellence. Engineering today has been formed by the antiquated Romans and Greeks building configuration highlights. The manner in which the old Romans and Greeks saw the excellence in their design has not changed following a great many long periods of development and advancement in innovation. Current engineering has utilized the old Greeks and Romans configuration highlights to make a huge impact on todays society. The old Greeks and Romans had many plan includes that were utilized for various purposes. The most widely recognized of these were the utilization of sections, which have been utilized broadly from the beginning of time in various civilisations. These segments gave a feeling of intensity and gave a solid impression of power. In design today a similar thought of the utilization of the section exists. Gove rnment structures, for example, town halls (see reference section 6) and the white house in America (see index 5) utilize the segment for this very explanation. The kinds of segments that are predominantly utilized in the administration structures are generally ionic or Doric segments. These segments have a solid and predominant look, so this on the other hand brings over the significance of intensity and authority. Present day Architecture not just uses the structure highlights for a feeling of power, yet for magnificence and class. In the antiquated universe of the Romans and Greeks magnificence and flawlessness was an enormous angle in their engineering. The section was imperative to the point that regardless of whether they were not required; half segments were gorgeously appended to the dividers. Today modelers are utilizing the segment regardless of whether they are not basically required for the help of a structure, however used to add style and magnificence to their structur es a case of this is the Brisbane city lobby (see reference section 7). The making of the roman curve has likewise had a gigantic effect in transit structures are planned today. The curve was broadly utilized all through the Roman Empire in water channels, diversion fields (see addendum 3) and political structures. The curve was utilized to make a feeling of style and magnificence to consistently structures for instance the water channels, and the curve is as yet being utilized today for this accurate explanation. Societys sees on exquisite and genuine magnificence in their engineering have not changed since the hours of the old Greeks and Romans. in all everyday issues things are continually developing and change to suit the necessities of each period. Despite the fact that the territory that has stayed surprisingly the equivalent since the antiquated Greeks and Romans, is western societys sees on the excellence of a structure. To the Greeks and Romans there was excellence in simply consistently things; house hold things, attire, town structure and the plan includes in structures. The sorts of configuration highlights were such a significant piece of their way of life that the Greeks utilized science and extent to decide the size and state of structures to ensure everything was great and perfect. The Romans acquired this equivalent idea making the segments utilized just Corinthian (see addendum 4) so evident class was added to their structures. Today these equivalent ideas have not changed, d espite the fact that the innovation has gotten further developed, a similar structure highlights are as yet being utilized on structures today. Despite the fact that more plan strategies have been made, we despite everything allude back to the Greeks and Romans to discover genuine class to make todays significant structures uncommonly excellent for instance the white house and town halls (See index 5 and 6). .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .postImageUrl , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:hover , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:visited , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:active { border:0!important; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:active , .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u 5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5b3524bf53a6d282905 9ac11c02cd729 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5b3524bf53a6d2829059ac11c02cd729:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: This I Believe - Living in War EssayThe plans of antiquated Greek and Roman design have remained with western culture for a huge number of years. Current, open, government structures and landmarks mirror all the things that they discovered significant, excellence, style, force and authority by utilizing component of configuration like the segment and the curve. Architecture, yet in addition our lifestyle would not be a similar today with out the impact of the antiquated Greeks

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Representation of Human Nature in Beatrix Potter’s Colourful Tales for Children - Literature Essay Samples

Bunnies, ducks, piglets, mice, squirrels, frogs, foxes, kittens – just a few examples from those bunch of animals which are demonstrated as leading characters in Beatrix Potter’s colourfully imagined, naturalistic tales for children. In these stories, with the comprehensive help of the artist’s own illustrations for her books, the writer reconsiders most of the existing borders between domesticated and wild animals as well as real people by using the peculiar presentation of their similarities as an effective tool. All living creatures lined up together throughout Potter’s partly fictitious world are introduced as equally important habitants of a rural environment, although some of them come from a lower social state rather than a higher one, no matter their kind, and they are also ranked on the basis of our sympathy towards them. Since the author created her animal protagonists and felons as if they were successfully keeping their own animalistic attribut es while living exactly in a way like humans, their features and habits resemble to ours so much so that they can easily stand as an eye-opener representation of the true nature of humans. To get an overall view from these examples about several stereotypical personality types and real behaviour schemes, which are brought closer to us by animals, clearly we have to list some aspects of Potter’s usage of instruments in representing her main characters as similar as possible to human beings. First of all, one of the most important observations has to be cleared in connection with the author’s attitude towards her characters, whether they are genuinely good or typically bad, which is that for her they are definitely not referred to like â€Å"animals† but instead â€Å"people†. â€Å"I have made many books about well-behaved people. Now, for a change, I am going to make a story about two disagreeable people† (Potter, The Tale of Mr. Tod). Apart from this, her protagonists just partly behave and look like humans, for example in The Tale of Peter Rabbit â€Å"Peters chubby figure, hand gestures, and upright posture are humanlike† (G olden 20), on the other hand â€Å"the light brown fur, white underside, and almond-shaped eyes of her storybook rabbits, Peter and Benjamin, identify them as Potters two pet Belgian rabbits† (Golden 18). Another thing has to be stated at the beginning, that everyone from the leading figures of the tales, on purpose, are got into some kind of a trouble coming from a simple mischief or suddenly face with an individually important matter that they have to solve by themselves or with the help of others. Therefore, these characters are emotionally challenged and living their lives as â€Å"not man and beast, not species, but selves† (Harris 63), which notion shows us the grandiosity of these stories in pointing to substantial feelings of both animals and men. For example, the extremely naà ¯ve and simple Jemima Puddle-Duck, who desperately wishes for keeping her eggs and hatching them by herself, seeks after a suitable and peaceful place for nesting, if possible, far away from the farm where the owners always take the eggs away from her. However, she eventually finds a hidden clearing, its resident a â€Å"gentleman with sandy whiskers† (Potter, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck) harnesses her and at the end of the story she is â€Å"escorted home in tears† (Potter, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck) after losing her almost hatched eggs. Another feature throughout the whole collection of tales that can be detected connecting to this, is the importance of putting not really common animals into leading positions. However they â€Å"do not seem likely choices for storybook characters -or pets- but Potter was unusual in her ability to realize the charms of nearly all animal behavior† (Golden 19) and to expansively adopt those into the human world. Adding to this observation, it should also be mentioned here that dogs do not play main roles in any of the books by Beatrix Potter, they are only strong supporting characters, whose interference can change some parts of the stories. For instance, Jemima’s collie friend, Kep from simple helpfulness ruins all of the duck’s resting eggs, since those foxhounds which are asked by him for chasing the sly fox away â€Å"gobbled up all the eggs before he could stop them† (Potter, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck). Having unconditional good faith in others does not often lead to a proper path, as it can be concluded as a lesson from Jemima’s sad story, being a bit more suspicious can save us from unforeseen consequences. Continuing the list, one of the most visible human-like feature of Potter’s animals is simply that they are wearing all kinds of clothes like it was as natural for them as it is for us and some characters even have more than one outfits differentiated between casual and elegant. As an example for that, in The Tale of Peter Rabbit â€Å"Peters mother wears a housecoat and an apron when she cooks; when she goes shopping her ensemble includes a more formal dress, cloak, bonnet, and umbrella† (Harris 70) and from this exchange of clothes when someone steps out from the home, the clear consciousness towards the presence of a civilised culture can be recognized. When Mrs Rabbit scolds Peter after he returns home without his new clothes, she is probably angry because with this Peter somehow lost his social manifestation, or in other words one part of his self. â€Å"Whether I like or detest the coat, it is, in some sense, a part of me. It informs me; it tells me who I am, in the sense that it supplies a shred of the sparse but hungered-for who-I-am-to-others† (Harris 72). Adding to this interesting notion, various social groups are also represented in many of the books, mainly by their appearance and possessions. In The Tale of Samuel Whiskers the wealthy cat family has â€Å"an old, old house, full of cupboards and passages† (Potter, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers (The Roly-Poly Pudding)) and the mother, Mrs Tabitha wears pompously ornamented clothes and often invites her cousins and friends for a tea or dinner. As a counterpart for that, when her son, Tom Kitten plays hide and seek he accidentally fells on some â€Å"very dirty rags† (Potter, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers (The Roly-Poly Pudding)), which belong to Samuel Whiskers’ and his wife’s, whose place is â€Å"a very small stuffy fusty room, with boards, and rafters, and cobwebs, and lath and plaster† (Potter, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers (The Roly-Poly Pudding )). The two opposite sides, the rich and the poor are not just separated by living space and conditions but by the fact that the rats are also the immoral and bloodthirsty residents of the community, since they want to eat poor naughty Tom Kitten up on the attic. There’s another action from them which is highly significant not just because of the deed that rats are indicated as dishonest people in the book but before the moment of their escape, they also lived in the village where the writer herself lives, which incredible recognition comes after we get to know that they stole Potter’s wheelbarrow. The author even uses first person singular while writing about this accident, which understandably made her furious at the two impudent rats. â€Å"I saw Samuel Whiskers and his wife on the run, with big bundles on a little wheelbarrow, which looked very like mine. (†¦) I am sure I never gave her leave to borrow my wheelbarrow!† (Potter, The Tale of Samuel Whiske rs (The Roly-Poly Pudding)). This open acknowledgement of equality between animals and humans gives Potter’s stories an even more elevated harmony and atmosphere that can cause a burst of sympathy or aversion towards her characters. There is one last significant thing left, which needs mentioning here that is the two-sidedness of the fundamental, inner behaviour patterns in human nature and those effects on the audience, represented by different types of animal characters in Beatrix Potter’s books. According to her perception, almost all of those meat-eating species, whether they are pets or sylvan animals, who are revealed by her, broaden the group of villains, together with any human figure also, thereby they must provoke feelings like fear, anger, grudge and shyness from the readers. These felons are spoiled by their constant hunger for pure flesh, annoyed by animals smaller and simpler than them and sometimes they are even sly, greedy or just vicious. For example, the above-mentioned Samuel Whiskers or the fox, who tricked Jemima and simply wanted to make roasted duck from her and omelette from her eggs, are one of the wickedest creatures of these tales. Another figure like them is Old Brown, an owl f rom The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, who being fed up with Nutkin’s singing and teasing â€Å"held him up by the tail, intending to skin him; but Nutkin pulled so very hard that his tail broke in two, and he dashed up the staircase and escaped out of the attic window† (Potter, The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin). The remark of the broken tail shows a deterrent for the readers and little Nutkin also, who eventually learned a lesson that he should better not to behave annoyingly with someone who eats squirrels. In connection with bad human nature, the most iconic villain is simply the man itself, more precisely, Mr McGregor, who is presented in all of the tales dealing with bunnies, since his garden is located near to the rabbits’ woods and they sometimes go there and filch some vegetables. The pure fact that Peter is half-orphan thanks to Mr McGregor already provokes antipathy from the readers towards this savage man, whose wife is another person driven by the promise of meat. â€Å"(†¦) don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor† (Potter, The Tale of Peter Rabbit). In The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies they are even more emphasized as villains when their hunger for killing almost becomes appeased. Benjamin Bunny and his children, after eating lettuces from Mr McGregor’s rubbish heap, fall asleep, so eventually the farmer can collect the babies to a sack. Although, with the help of Mrs Tit tlemouse, they escape and exchange the rabbits with trash, but before realizing this trick Mr McGregor and his wife carry on an argument about what to do with them at home. â€Å"Not fit to eat; but the skins will do fine to line my old cloak, (†¦), I shall skin them and cut off their heads† (Potter, The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies). As a conclusion, Beatrix Potter’s main characters may look like and partly behave like animals but they are intentionally portrayed as half human featured figures for the sake of bringing them closer to the audience, whether they are children or adults. However, there are many mean people in the tales, in contrast with them, farm animals or plant-eaters, and more specifically the tailor of Gloucester, are represented in a highly appreciated way. Moreover, their attitude to life shall stand as exemplary, although their chosen paths towards happiness must be considered more carefully by us if we want to follow them. Works Cited Golden, Catherine. â€Å"Beatrix Potter: Naturalist Artist.† Woman’s Art Journal 11.1 (Spring-Summer 1990): 16-20 Harris, W. C. â€Å"Undifferentiated Bunnies: Setting Psychic Boundaries in the Animal Stories of Beatrix Potter, Jack London, and Ernest Seton.† Victorian Review 23.1 (Summer 1997): 62-113 Potter, Beatrix. Ultimate Collection 22 Children’s Books with Complete Original Illustrations. e-book, e-artnow, 2016.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marriage Is A Part Of Most People s Lives All Across The...

Marriage is a part of most people’s lives all across the world. No difference in religion, culture, or country matters; marriage is a universal concept. People brought together by love. Today more than half of all first marriages end in divorce and sixty percent of all second marriages end in divorce. These statistics bring the rise of questions concerned of the shocking numbers. What happens during that time that causes such destruction on the people and the relationship? This subject of marriage and the increasing statistics of failing marriages is worthy of study, effects me personally, and could be studies further. Marriage is worthy of study for many different reasons. Marriage is a part of many people’s everyday life all across the globe. Whether it be you are married yourself and are dealing with the struggles that come along with marriage, are just a kid and have happily married parents, or a child whose parents are dealing with a messy divorce, or possibly just a single man or woman with the hopes of marriage in the future; chances are you fall into one of these categories. With that being said, this means there is an immense amount of people struggling everyday through an unhealthy relationship. If the reason for these debacles is studied, there is a possibility for finding the reasoning behind it and eliminating it. This would lead to a decrease in the number of divorces and lead to more happily married, thriving couples. This is important to study because notShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Movement And Exchange Of Goods, Services And Ideas1471 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalism is the movement and exchange of goods, services and ideas between different parts of the world. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Drinking and Driving Underage, Military Binge Drinking free essay sample

Underage Drinking We all know that underage drinking is when anyone under the legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol. Many teens face adult problems at a very young age. Underage drinking is a major problem among teens today. In today society, kids are being pressured into doing things at a very young age. Problem many parents are facing in their own life are also posing as problems on their kids. Aside from being illegal, underage drinking can bring about public health problems. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism underage drinking risks include: â€Å"Death – 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burn, and drowning. † (NIAAA) We are not only talking about deaths as well as serious injuries, impaired judgment, increased risk for physical and sexual assault and brain development problems. (NIAAA). As you can see there are serious risks involved with underage drinking. How can you recognize the signs of underage drinking? Here are some signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. We’ve all probably seen some of these warning signs at one point in our life. But how much attention did you really give them. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism here are some warning signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. Has there been a change in their academic grades or any behavioral problems at school? Has there been a change in who they hang out with? Have they appeared to be less interested in their favorite activity or sporting event? Do they not want to be seen in public or make an appearance at a family function? Can you smell alcohol on their breath or have you found empty or full alcoholic beverages on them or in their room? Do they have slurred speech or muscle coordination problems, such as walking in a straight line? (NIAAA) Again these are just some of the warning signs that can help your recognize that your teenager maybe drinking alcohol. As you can see from the below chart there’s a high percentage of 12th graders, 42% to be exact, that have had an alcoholic beverage in the past month. If you add up all three grades you get a total of 81% of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders that have drank in the past month. I find this to be an alarming rate and we have to do something to decrease these numbers. (L. Johnston) Military Underage Drinking We all know that you only have to be 18 to enter the military or 17 with your parent’s permission. So we can serve our country and die for this country but we can’t have an alcoholic drink, legally, until we are 21. Underage drinking in the military is nothing new. I remember when I first came in the Air Force, even though the legal age to drink was 21, nobody really said or did anything about underage drinking. Man how times have changed! Military members between the ages of 18 and 25 tend to be heavy drinkers, more so than their civilian peers. (Rhem) I’m not surprised or really alarmed by this but did you know that 21% of military members admit to heavily drinking. What I am alarmed by though is this statistic hasn’t been lowered in 20 years. Alcohol abuse costs the Department of Defense over $600 million a year to either treat members or account for lost time at work. The Department of Defense has decided to take a new approach to lower these statistics. According to LtCol Wayne Talcott senior officials like a new approach to preventive maintenance â€Å"You maintain a jet engine so it doesn’t fall out of the sky. † â€Å"We need to begin to look at where there are risks to the human weapon system and how we can build a system that protects our people. (Rhem) The military usually waits till there is a problem with alcohol abuse before doing anything about it. However, recently we have seen an increase in developing new programs or procedures to educate our military members about the severity of alcohol related problems. We just want to get the right message to the right people about making better decisions about their dri nking behavior. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 111 – Drunken or reckless operations of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel. General, Manual for Courts-Martial United States) As you can see, the military has its own set of rules that members have to follow. Even though the military laws are similar in nature to civilian laws we are held to a higher standard. Some tools that commanders can use to manage alcohol abusers are: Line of Duty determination; Actions involving security clearance, access to classified information or access to restricted areas; Duty assignment review to determine if the member should continue in current duties; Unfavorable Information File or control roster actions based on alcohol related isconduct or substandard duty performance; Separation under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for document failure to meet standards; and Administrative demotion, withholding of promotion and denial of reenlistment. (General, The Military Commander a nd the Law) Line of Duty determination is used to determine if the illness, injury, or disease existed prior to service (EPTS) and if the EPTS condition was aggravated by military service. It is used to determine whether or not the illness, injury, or disease, or death occurred while the member was absent from duty and whether or not the illness, injury, disease or death was due to the member’s own misconduct. Once the findings are revealed from the Line of Duty investigation, it may impact the following areas: You may not be eligible for disability retirement and/or severance pay; you may not be entitled to pay and allowances; your current enlistment could be extended to include any period of time that you were unable to perform your duties; you could be denied your veteran benefits or medical benefits. If the line of duty investigation finds you guilty you could lose out on more than you thought. (General, The Military Commander and the Law) As you can see, Commanders have several tools at their disposal to prevent or correct alcohol related incidents. But that doesn’t mean they can prevent all of them. Binge Drinking Binge drinking is the most common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration to . 08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours. (Alcoholism) According to national surveys: One in six U. S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about eight drinks per binge; While binge drinking is more common among young adults aged 18-34 years, binge drinkers aged 65 years and older report binge drinking more often – an average of five to six times a month; Binge drinking is more common among those with household incomes of $75,000 or more than among those with lower incomes; Approximately 92% of U. S. adults who drink excessively report binge drinking in the past 30 days; Although college students commonly binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years and older; The occurrence of binge drinking among men is twice the occurrence among women; Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers; About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks and more than half of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. CDC) Frequent binge drinkers can have the most serious health problems. These people are seven to sixteen times more likely, than non-binge drinkers to have missed classes, gotten behind in their school work, engaged in unplanned sexual activity, and not used protection during sexual intercourse, had run-ins with police, damage property, and been injured or hurt. (CDC) As you can see from the above ch art binge drinking happens in all age groups, race and ethnicity group’s, educational levels, and in all income levels. Conclusion I’ve talked about several problems that are related to underage, military and binge drinking and driving. Why I talked about all three of these types is that they intertwine with one another. Most if not all of us had a drink before we were 21, I know I did. Does that make it right for the next generation to continue to do so? Who’s to say! We have come a long way since I was under 21 and we still have a long ways to go. I don’t think we will ever completely get rid of underage, military or binge drinking and driving. It’s going to happen! But we can make some recommendations or solutions to educate our kids. Recommendations/Solutions In my opinion there is no right way or wrong way about reducing underage, military or binge drinking and driving. Each state and/or city may have their own way of trying to reduce drinking and driving. But here are some examples of what is being proposed and done in the Cheyenne, Wyoming area on Military bases and on College campuses throughout the state. How can we improve the educational processes to educate our youth about the dangers of alcohol? What we do know is that educational programs that only provide information or that focuses on self-esteem or resisting peer pressure haven’t been effective. The Wyoming youth group is proposing a more aggressive approach. Instead of waiting till community colleges and Universities are experiencing binge drinking problems we need to start at the grade school and high school levels. (Group) Here is a detailed list of what the State of Wyoming is recommending at all educational levels: Developing school cultures that promote prevention and intervention policies; Increase state and local funding for prevention education in schools and colleges; work with senior administrators to understand what must be done to reduce underage drinking; make sure colleges and universities adhere to policy enforcement and changes; ensure constant development and consistent communication with statewide colleges and universities; proper certification for employees serving alcoholic beverages; encourage youth involvement for positive change. Group) Here is what the State of Wyoming is recommending at kindergarten through twelfth grade: See what programs have shown success and share them with other Wyoming schools. Provide education to school employees on how to identify underage drinking and how to handle the situation. Educate youth in making healthy, safe and lawful lifestyle decisions. Have alcohol-free events and activities. You can even go as far as doing random sobriety checks before people leave the event or activity. Educate the youth about the dangers of underage drinking to include brain damage, addictive disorders and legal consequences that can arise from alcohol abuse. Talk with them about how alcohol can impair their performance standards in and out of the classroom. Provide education to both the kids and to the parents. Parents need to be able to communicate effectively with their children. Help them acquire necessary skills regarding advertising and promotion of alcohol. Establish support groups for kids when there is drinking in the home. Ask for feedback and/or surveys this will enable all parties to see what is and what isn’t working. (Group) For higher education the State of Wyoming is recommending the following programs: Utilize the best programs found by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This will help you in developing your own local college programs. The plans should include but are not limited to: screening and intervention strategies; encouraging alcohol free events or activities; limit alcohol related advertisement on campuses; enforcing campus policies and state and local laws; continuous research and program evaluation. Support efforts by colleges and Universities to reduce alcohol use; ask for support and help from senior leadership on college campuses to increase awareness of high-risk alcohol related activities; increase education to first year students, athletes and organizations that promote alcohol related activities; educate your staff, parents, and even alumni and warning signs of alcohol abuse; provide referral information and updates on policies and procedures; provide an anonymous student survey to see if the educational programs are working and underage drinking is decreasing. Now that we have the schools accounted for what about educating our parents. (Group) Here are some things you can do to ensure you provide the necessary education to their parents. Parents are the first line of defense at times and need to intervene when they see a problem. What can we do for the parents? Establish peer groups – social media is a great source to reach out to for assistance and guidance. Provide presentations by parents from parents that have lived through a death or alcohol related incident. Who is held liable for providing alcohol to minors? Provide effective ways for parents to talk to their children about alcohol abuse. Provide pamphlets to parents so they can identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Educate the parents on how to host an alcohol free house party for their kid. (Group) These are some of the educational needs that the State of Wyoming is implementing or has implemented throughout the state. As you can see they are not just relying on the schools to intervene. They are making sure parents are involved and how to identify any signs or symptoms their child may be showing from alcohol abuse. I feel that these educational needs can be easily implemented within each and every state. Military Wingman Concept The term Wingman stems from a time-honored tradition within our Air Force flying community that essentially says a lead pilot will never lose his/her Wingman. It’s a promise, a pledge, a commitment between Airmen who fly. The Air Force has cultivated and instilled this same culture of commitment between all Airmen and Air Force civilians in all career fields and specialties via the Wingman program. Being a Wingman isn’t easy, but all Airmen at all levels of command have a role as Wingmen. How can you transfer this ability of being a wingman from military time honored tradition to a non-military environment? You would think this would be easy, but some people don’t recognize the concept. I’m going to use a sports analogy to help explain the Wingman concept. â€Å"Let’s say we have a highly skilled professional football team. Holes in the line open up an instant before the running back reaches them at full speed, allowing him to achieve a big gain. Pass receivers run complicated pass routes, turning back to look at the quarterback after the ball is already airborne on its way to them. Simultaneously, offensive linemen keep defensive players from reaching the quarterback just long enough for him to get the pass off†¦and not a moment longer. Meanwhile, the quarterback, without even looking at or coordinating with his blockers, knows just how long he can hold the ball before he has to get rid of it. And the timing of all this is compressed into less than four seconds. † (Dettmer) As you can see, the wingman concept can be carried over to non-military business situations. But we seldom see this in businesses. Businesses are still comprised of mutual activities that at times require a team effort to complete a project or task. Some of it may be due to the fact at the end of the day you get to go home and you don’t have to rely on them to save your life. The Wingman concept is simple and easy to implement into your work area, no matter where you work. To be a good Wingman all you have to do is take care of yourself and those around you. Some ways you could do this is when you are out with your buddies and they’ve had a little too much to drink, you step up and tell them they’ve had enough. You don’t let your wingman get behind the wheel of a car after they’ve had anything to drink. It’s not about being their friend; it’s about saving their life or someone else’s life. In the end it comes down to making the Wingman concept a way of life, and not just a slogan. Enforcing the Law How can you control drunk driving? It requires four board strategies: Deterrence; Treatment; Information and education; and Prevention. I’m going to provide solutions on how we can implement all four and decrease or control drunk driving. What is deterrence and how can that control drunk driving? Deterrence is simple! However, it may not be all that simple to pass new laws that prohibit drunk driving. Deterrence is also enforcing existing laws and holding those that broke the law accountable. It’s basically like, striking fear into them if they do decide to drink and drive. A good example of this is the zero tolerance law. Not all states have this but some do. It’s a law that applies to anyone under the age of 21 that gets caught for drinking and driving. How embarrassed would you be if you got caught for drinking and driving and lost your driver licenses? If you were still in high school, most likely the whole school would know about it. This alone could be a deterrent for some, but maybe not for all. (Hedlund and McCartt) Treatment is about getting the help you need when you need it. Alcohol is a drug and if left untreated can cause serious damage to your health and to others around you. However, treatment sometimes only happens once you have been arrested or caught. The most difficult thing is to self-identify and get the help you need before it’s too late. Changing individual’s behavior is not easy. However, if you can assess all offenders equally and then assign them a treatment program that is appropriate for their needs. (Hedlund and McCartt) Information and education by itself doesn’t decrease drinking and driving and has little or no effect on reducing it either. However, combined with deterrence and prevention programs it goes a long way. Educating the public on drinking and driving laws has proven very effective in reducing drinking and driving. For example those states that have â€Å"Zero Tolerance† laws in place 85% of drivers were not aware that the blood alcohol content for minors was different than for those that are over 21. With a little information and education in those states they reduced drinking and driving crashes by 30%. It has been proven that a little education can go a long ways. (Hedlund and McCartt) With prevention we have control over a few things. We can enforce the policies that are in place or create new one law’s. We have already established the legal age to drink alcohol is 21. By increasing the legal age from 18 to 21 this was an attempt to reduce underage drinking. We can regulate the places and time when you can purchase alcohol. You have to have a liquor license to sale or distribute alcoholic beverages. Some states also regulate on the day and time you can purchase alcohol. For example some states don’t allow you to purchase alcohol on Sunday before noon or not at all, and most states don’t allow the sale of alcohol after 2 a. m. We can also regulate the taxes on alcoholic beverages. For example the amount of taxes for alcoholic beverages in the State of Wyoming hasn’t increased since 1935. (Group) Prevention programs can make a difference, but even small measures are better than nothing at all. Programs like training bartenders or servers to know when they should stop serving to the customer have proved beneficial. In the end though, the best strategy for progress is through improved deterrence, with assistance from the other three strategies. Works Cited Alcoholism, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and. NIAAA council approves definition of binge drinking. NIAAA Newsletter (2004): 3. CDC. Vital signs: binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity among adults U. S. 2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Report (2012; 61 (1)): 9-14. Dettmer, William. The Wingman Concept. 2006. The Wingman Concept. 2 Mar 2013. General, Judge Advocate. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. General, Judge Advocate. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. IV51 IV53. General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law. General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law. Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. 215-223. Group, Cody Youth. Wyoming Cares. Jan 2012. http://www. wyocare. org/items/get_pdf/1416%20%20problems%20and%20solution%20document. 2 Mar 2013. Hedlund, James H. and Anne T. McCartt. Drunk Driving: Seeking Additional Solutions. Traffic Safety. Washington D. C. : Preusser Research Group, Inc, 2002. L. Johnston. Centruy Council. Dec 2012. Centery Council. 2 March 2013. NIAAA. National Institute on Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2013. 2 March 2013. Rhem, SSgt Kathleen T. Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD Dearly. U. S. Military (2000): 1.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Example

Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Snapdeal’s Journey from Deal-a-day Site to India’s Largest Online Marketplace E-commerce, in the popular sense, can be defined as: the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. A more technical definition would be: e-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Ecommerce differs from e-business in that no commercial transaction, an exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries, takes place in e-business. E-business is the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm and therefore does not include any exchange in value. E-commerce and e-business intersect at the business firm boundary at the point where internal business systems link up with suppliers. For instance, e-business turns into e-commerce when an exchange of value occurs across firm boundaries. Introduction Snapdeal is an ecommerce company headquartered in New Delhi, India. This online retail firm was founded by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in February 2010. Their website Snapdeal. om features a wide range of products and services from thousands of national, international and regional brands with a wide assortment of products across categories like mobiles, electronics, fashion accessories, apparel and footwear, kids, home and kitchen, sports, books, restaurants, entertainment and spas amongst others. Snapdeal has become a shopping destination for millions of online users across the country. Snapdeal enables small and medium sized retailers to cost effectively acquire hundreds of customers by offering discount deals at their establishments through its online e-commerce platform. We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This leads to cost savings on the marketing side and leads to more brand awareness. History Snapdeal was started in February 2010 by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi. Snapdeal. com started as a daily deal platform. It was essentially a Group buying or crowd bargaining site which offered deals and discounts on restaurants, spas, car wash, etc. Snapdeal charged a marketing fee from the retailer for every deal sold on the portal. Bargain Website Model The services are usually for registered customers, who are informed of the deals through emails and text messages every day. The system works like this. A local store, a fashion chain or a restaurant approaches the bargain website with its best deals, and the bargain website in turn offers or sometimes auctions them to its members for a nominal amount to be paid upfront through a debit or a credit card. Customers get their coupons either through email or in the form of a text message or both. The retailers pay a stipulated amount — or a commission — for every redeemed coupon to the website. Group buying sites benefit from a relatively simple minimum number of buyers. The limited time period creates a sense of urgency, prompting impulse purchases. All interested buyers must provide their credit card information, but are only charged if the deal goes live. Little money is locked up in working capital because the group buying website either bills the entire amount of the purchase upfront and retains a commission before passing the rest of the payment onto the merchant, or charges a token amount and directs the user to pay the rest at the merchants site. If the deal does not materialize, the group buying site isnt stuck with any back inventory because the discounted service or item is sourced at the participating business. Buyers receive vouchers for their purchases via e-mail or text message and they have anywhere from one to three months to redeem the offer. Snapdeal’s idea was to give consumers a better price through deals if they purchase in greater numbers; and that was the basic premise of group buying websites that had emerged in India and in other parts of the world. According to Bahl, Jasper-owned group buying sites in general accumulated 350,000 registered users in just over six months of operations. This was proved right when Googles DoubleClick advertising arm posted the number of unique visitors for Indian group buying siteSnapDeal as 290,000 for the end of August 2010. IT for Differentiation In an effort to drastically improve the customer experience of its 4 lakhs subscriber base Snapdeal launched a revamped website which was far superior in terms of technology and performance. The new website, which was built on the latest technologies like Servlet 3. 0, had enhanced security and was highly scalable. The website load time is less than 2 sec. While being extremely advanced technologically, the website continued to be a user friendly interface, which helped it break the clutter among the otherwise similar looking group buying websites. This helped Snapdeal in becoming the largest group buying website with 65% transactional market by September, 2010, reaching a remarkable milestone of selling one coupon every minute on their website. The seven-month-old ventures revenues were increasing at 150 per cent month-on-month. Offering discounts of up to 95 per cent, SnapDeal. com used to its advantage the huge pile of distress inventory accumulated by retailers. It featured more than 2,000 retailers such as Ferns amp; Petals, Indiahikes, Fitness Studio, Bikanervala, Future Bazaar and XtremeSports Bar. The company received2,000 vouchers from one merchant in a day sometimes and was able to offer one new deal a day from each of the 30 cities it has a presence in. Each deal stayed on the site for not more than three days. According to Mr. Bahl, retailers of these services suffered from distress perishable inventory of as high as 80 per cent, and it worked for them to give heavy discounts to be able to offload the inventory within the expiry period. By the end of November 2010, the e-commerce phenomenon in India had a new Poster boy from obscurity 9 months back to becoming one of Indias most visited site Snapdeal. com had come a long way in a short span. By December 2010, Snapdeal was offering deals in four areas including dining, personal care, entertainment and travel. There was a tremendous response from various merchants as well. 90% of the service providers who had been featured on Snapdeal. com wanted to use the service again to attract customers. For the local retail services, it acted as a powerful performance based marketing channel to acquire new customers, while reaching out to a large base of prospective customers, without spending anything upfront on branding or advertising. And this channel was not restricted to small businesses alone. For instance, Carnation, which is Mr. Jagdish Khattars one-stop-shop retailer for cars, acquired 5000+ customers through SnapDeal in a span of 3 days. Many other merchants have had similar experiences. The e-commerce platform had worked wonders not only for Snapdeal, but also for many of its clients who were able to attract a huge set of new customers. In less than one year, it reached a subscriber base of 1 million attracting a $12 million investment round, led by Nexus Venture Partners and Indo-US Venture Partners. And the subsequent round of funding a few months later helped it raise another $ 40 million. Mobile commerce also proved to be an asset for Snapdeal. Another reason for the site’s rapid growth in 2011 came from its recently launched products deals business, in which Snapdeal sold branded lifestyle products, like fashion accessories, electronics, apparel, etc. at significant discounts. The products business was doubling each month and within three months accounted for 15 percent of Snapdeal’s total business. Its big idea was to move into products by taking its existing experience in local deals and combining it with a wide array of personalized product deals, especially in lifestyle e-commerce. This was the first step for Snapdeal towards the transformation to an online marketplace. In 2012, Snapdeal announced its foray into the ‘brand stores’ concept in which the company aimed to be an enabler for the thousands of local retailers who couldn’t reach out to the growing masses buying online. Each store had a login and a password for managing the assortment. Brands were able to decide the look and feel of their page, customize product selection, and manage promotions and exclusive launches. The Snapdeal platform was akin to multiple single-brand stores, many of these international. Regulatory issues would not apply to Snapdeal, as it was a marketing platform like eBay, and transactions carried out here were between merchants and customers; hence, following a ‘Zero Inventory’ model. The company also broadened its 200-category strong product portfolio — from one with mobile phones and laptops to one that offers fashion apparel as well. Now, it had moved from being India’s largest group buying website to being a competitor of the Indian online retail major Flipkart. What is an Online Marketplace? Market: An interaction mechanism where the participants establish deals (trades) to exchange goods and services for monetary payments (i. e. quantities of standard currency). Marketplace: In fundamental terms, a marketplace is nothing but a group of markets. Technically, a marketplace is the space (actual, virtual or metaphorical) in which a market operates. Online marketplace (or online ecommerce marketplace) is an ecommerce website. The product and is provided by the third parties, and the transactions are processes by the marketplace operator. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce. The transactions are delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers. An online marketplace offers products from a wide array of providers. Hence, the selection is usually wider, availability is higher, and prices are more competitive (compared to vendor-specific online retail stores). SnapDeal’s Marketing Strategy In the beginning, the only form of marketing for Snapdeal was through social media, mainly Facebook, Twitter and various blogs. By the end of 2010, using radio, TV and even sponsorships, Snapdeal had managed to warm the hearts of an otherwise hard-to-sell internet-wary society. Snapdeal plans to drive marketing through ‘Analytics’ in order to move from mass media campaigns and focus more on data driven marketing techniques that ensure every rupee of marketing spend is measured. This helps them to analyze the buying behavior of the consumer and pitch a product to the target consumer accordingly. Latest Developments at Snapdeal Traffic Rankings According to Alexa the web traffic analytics company Snapdeal is 37th most popular website in India and 557th in the world as on July 2013. Most of the users are male aged between 18 to 26 years. Company is eying sales growth of over 2000 crore in 2013-2104. Snapdeal Vs Flipkart Snapdeal from the start of 2013 is catching up with India’s most popular ecommerce website Flipkart. Page views per user the metric which tells user engagement with the website is around 5. 5 for Snapdeal (increase of 1. 5 pageview per user from 2012) if we take last 6 months average, same is around 8 for Flipkart. Average time spent per user on website has also increased from 5mins to little over 6 mins which is a positive sign. There is good amount of competition between Flipkart and Snapdeal and users usually visit both of these website before making a decision to buy. Logistics They also have a shipping platform called Safeship, which has integrated large number of local and national courier companies so that there is no burden on the sellers to find a courier service. Sellers can track and manage movement of product by themselves. SnapDeal provides Cash on Delivery and EMI options which has got lot of favour from Indians as lot of them don’t have credit/debit cards, and those who have are sceptical of using them online. With the advent of interest free EMI option lot of Indians who don’t have immediate cash can use this option to pay principal and the interest in easy instalments. Snapdeal on Mobile Snapdeal has launched its mobile app both on GooglePlay for free. Through this app user can easily see mobile version of website as an app on their smartphones, improved search lets you narrow down search using sort and refine. Snapdeal hopes to increase its customer base as more and more people are using tablets and smartphones now days. App can identify user location and give customized deals for user of that city. Snapdeal User Reviews for Products Buyers can now review products by adding comments and stars against the items they purchase. Pros, Cons, and average rating lets the prospective buyers decide on various parameters before the make the purchase. Comments also engage buyers as they feel the part of the system and Indians are always good at reviewing. Social Media Integration Users can now share the products they like or buy on their favourite social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. These external links provide fresh web traffic to Snapdeal. TrustPay TrustPay protects customers with a 100% moneyback guarantee if there is any issue with product quality, size or delivery. Trustpay payment system can be used by other online retailers to connect to global payment systems of Visa/Mastercard. Snapdeal has filed for intellectual property protection for Trust pay because of the potential it has. Zero Inventory model Company does not hold inventory which has become important for any company operating in India as India has large supply side, which gives Snapdeal opportunity to collaborate with this unorganized and large supply side without making investments in Inventory. Also for large inventory one needs to hire thousands of people. Large logistics area, and high operating costs are incurred. Marketplace model also benefits when a seller wants to sell his unsold items quickly, which otherwise on retail malls can take considerable time. Most Lovable City: Online Campaign Snapdeal initiated mylovecapital campaign where people voted for their most loved city on the eve of Valentine’s Day of 2013. Voting for the event began on February 4 and the website recorded votes from people across the country. Delhi emerged winner with 53,174 votes followed by Mumbai with 49,010 votes and Srinagar with 29,047 votes from all over India on its website mylovecapital. com. It was an endeavour to bring back positivity and love for ur country, cities and its people. To publicize the event various videos were also uploaded on youtube. Anshuman, actor and singer campaigned for Chandigarh and Delhi, while stars such as Saniamirza campaigned for Hyderabad. Some major achievements for SnapDeal. com Snapdeal Buys Sports amp; Fitness Equipment E-com Startup eSportsBuy E-commerce firm Jasper I nfotech Pvt Ltd, which runs the daily deals and now horizontal e-com site Snapdeal. com, has acquired  eSportsBuy. com, an online retailer of sports and fitness equipment and accessories. eSportsBuy was started in 2011 by IIT Delhi alumni  Prateek Agarwal  and  Amit Monga. Snapdeal already stocks some sports equipment but these are not showcased as a separate category (we found badminton racquets featured in the ‘Kids amp; Toys’ category). So eSportsBuy would certainly help boost Snapdeal’s vendor relations for those products and also help expand the product catalogue in that segment. For eSportsBuy, it would mean a bigger platform to be associated with and that can help it bargain harder with vendors, at least as long as it maintains the site independently. It could also draw synergies in operations, especially at the backend. For Snapdeal, this is the second acquisition to build out its business. In 2010, it had acquired group buying site  Grabbon  and that site now redirects to Snapdeal. com. Snapdeal also has the means to take the inorganic route to expand quickly. Last year, it had risen over $50 million in two rounds of funding – from  Bessemer Venture Partners and Nexus Venture Partners  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ as well as from the existing investor Indo-US Venture Partners. Indias Top 10 Buzziest brands In February 2012, Snapdeal. com was ranked 7th in India in the Afaqs annual poll for buzz making brands, that the consumers found exciting enough to talk about. Online shopping site Snapdeal to increase headcount Snapdeal increased its headcount by adding 500 people by the next six months starting from March 2012. Snapdeal earmarks $20 mn for acquisitions Snapdeal. com has earmarked $20 million (around Rs. 100 crore) to make up to four acquisitions by 2012. Snapdeal set to enter music, movies and books segment In June 2012, E-commerce company Snapdeal. com ventured into music, movies and books segment one of the most lucrative segments for online retailing. Way Ahead Taking note of the way SnapDeal. com is expanding its reach and winning hearts, the future definitely looks very bright for the brand. Apart from geographic expansion, Snapdeal. om has forayed into new categories which have shown excellent traction in the brief period since launch. The two new categories introduced were – products and travel. The product categories include very attractive deals, typically 50 per cent off on products such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets branded fashion products, sunglasses wallets, an d among others. In the case of travel, SnapDeal. com features the best leisure and business travel destinations across India at national best prices. Competition for the brand though on face seems to be growing with the emergence and existence of other websites like ebay, tradus etc. Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Example Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Snapdeal’s Journey from Deal-a-day Site to India’s Largest Online Marketplace E-commerce, in the popular sense, can be defined as: the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. A more technical definition would be: e-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Ecommerce differs from e-business in that no commercial transaction, an exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries, takes place in e-business. E-business is the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm and therefore does not include any exchange in value. E-commerce and e-business intersect at the business firm boundary at the point where internal business systems link up with suppliers. For instance, e-business turns into e-commerce when an exchange of value occurs across firm boundaries. Introduction Snapdeal is an ecommerce company headquartered in New Delhi, India. This online retail firm was founded by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in February 2010. Their website Snapdeal. om features a wide range of products and services from thousands of national, international and regional brands with a wide assortment of products across categories like mobiles, electronics, fashion accessories, apparel and footwear, kids, home and kitchen, sports, books, restaurants, entertainment and spas amongst others. Snapdeal has become a shopping destination for millions of online users across the country. Snapdeal enables small and medium sized retailers to cost effectively acquire hundreds of customers by offering discount deals at their establishments through its online e-commerce platform. We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This leads to cost savings on the marketing side and leads to more brand awareness. History Snapdeal was started in February 2010 by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi. Snapdeal. com started as a daily deal platform. It was essentially a Group buying or crowd bargaining site which offered deals and discounts on restaurants, spas, car wash, etc. Snapdeal charged a marketing fee from the retailer for every deal sold on the portal. Bargain Website Model The services are usually for registered customers, who are informed of the deals through emails and text messages every day. The system works like this. A local store, a fashion chain or a restaurant approaches the bargain website with its best deals, and the bargain website in turn offers or sometimes auctions them to its members for a nominal amount to be paid upfront through a debit or a credit card. Customers get their coupons either through email or in the form of a text message or both. The retailers pay a stipulated amount — or a commission — for every redeemed coupon to the website. Group buying sites benefit from a relatively simple minimum number of buyers. The limited time period creates a sense of urgency, prompting impulse purchases. All interested buyers must provide their credit card information, but are only charged if the deal goes live. Little money is locked up in working capital because the group buying website either bills the entire amount of the purchase upfront and retains a commission before passing the rest of the payment onto the merchant, or charges a token amount and directs the user to pay the rest at the merchants site. If the deal does not materialize, the group buying site isnt stuck with any back inventory because the discounted service or item is sourced at the participating business. Buyers receive vouchers for their purchases via e-mail or text message and they have anywhere from one to three months to redeem the offer. Snapdeal’s idea was to give consumers a better price through deals if they purchase in greater numbers; and that was the basic premise of group buying websites that had emerged in India and in other parts of the world. According to Bahl, Jasper-owned group buying sites in general accumulated 350,000 registered users in just over six months of operations. This was proved right when Googles DoubleClick advertising arm posted the number of unique visitors for Indian group buying siteSnapDeal as 290,000 for the end of August 2010. IT for Differentiation In an effort to drastically improve the customer experience of its 4 lakhs subscriber base Snapdeal launched a revamped website which was far superior in terms of technology and performance. The new website, which was built on the latest technologies like Servlet 3. 0, had enhanced security and was highly scalable. The website load time is less than 2 sec. While being extremely advanced technologically, the website continued to be a user friendly interface, which helped it break the clutter among the otherwise similar looking group buying websites. This helped Snapdeal in becoming the largest group buying website with 65% transactional market by September, 2010, reaching a remarkable milestone of selling one coupon every minute on their website. The seven-month-old ventures revenues were increasing at 150 per cent month-on-month. Offering discounts of up to 95 per cent, SnapDeal. com used to its advantage the huge pile of distress inventory accumulated by retailers. It featured more than 2,000 retailers such as Ferns amp; Petals, Indiahikes, Fitness Studio, Bikanervala, Future Bazaar and XtremeSports Bar. The company received2,000 vouchers from one merchant in a day sometimes and was able to offer one new deal a day from each of the 30 cities it has a presence in. Each deal stayed on the site for not more than three days. According to Mr. Bahl, retailers of these services suffered from distress perishable inventory of as high as 80 per cent, and it worked for them to give heavy discounts to be able to offload the inventory within the expiry period. By the end of November 2010, the e-commerce phenomenon in India had a new Poster boy from obscurity 9 months back to becoming one of Indias most visited site Snapdeal. com had come a long way in a short span. By December 2010, Snapdeal was offering deals in four areas including dining, personal care, entertainment and travel. There was a tremendous response from various merchants as well. 90% of the service providers who had been featured on Snapdeal. com wanted to use the service again to attract customers. For the local retail services, it acted as a powerful performance based marketing channel to acquire new customers, while reaching out to a large base of prospective customers, without spending anything upfront on branding or advertising. And this channel was not restricted to small businesses alone. For instance, Carnation, which is Mr. Jagdish Khattars one-stop-shop retailer for cars, acquired 5000+ customers through SnapDeal in a span of 3 days. Many other merchants have had similar experiences. The e-commerce platform had worked wonders not only for Snapdeal, but also for many of its clients who were able to attract a huge set of new customers. In less than one year, it reached a subscriber base of 1 million attracting a $12 million investment round, led by Nexus Venture Partners and Indo-US Venture Partners. And the subsequent round of funding a few months later helped it raise another $ 40 million. Mobile commerce also proved to be an asset for Snapdeal. Another reason for the site’s rapid growth in 2011 came from its recently launched products deals business, in which Snapdeal sold branded lifestyle products, like fashion accessories, electronics, apparel, etc. at significant discounts. The products business was doubling each month and within three months accounted for 15 percent of Snapdeal’s total business. Its big idea was to move into products by taking its existing experience in local deals and combining it with a wide array of personalized product deals, especially in lifestyle e-commerce. This was the first step for Snapdeal towards the transformation to an online marketplace. In 2012, Snapdeal announced its foray into the ‘brand stores’ concept in which the company aimed to be an enabler for the thousands of local retailers who couldn’t reach out to the growing masses buying online. Each store had a login and a password for managing the assortment. Brands were able to decide the look and feel of their page, customize product selection, and manage promotions and exclusive launches. The Snapdeal platform was akin to multiple single-brand stores, many of these international. Regulatory issues would not apply to Snapdeal, as it was a marketing platform like eBay, and transactions carried out here were between merchants and customers; hence, following a ‘Zero Inventory’ model. The company also broadened its 200-category strong product portfolio — from one with mobile phones and laptops to one that offers fashion apparel as well. Now, it had moved from being India’s largest group buying website to being a competitor of the Indian online retail major Flipkart. What is an Online Marketplace? Market: An interaction mechanism where the participants establish deals (trades) to exchange goods and services for monetary payments (i. e. quantities of standard currency). Marketplace: In fundamental terms, a marketplace is nothing but a group of markets. Technically, a marketplace is the space (actual, virtual or metaphorical) in which a market operates. Online marketplace (or online ecommerce marketplace) is an ecommerce website. The product and is provided by the third parties, and the transactions are processes by the marketplace operator. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce. The transactions are delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers. An online marketplace offers products from a wide array of providers. Hence, the selection is usually wider, availability is higher, and prices are more competitive (compared to vendor-specific online retail stores). SnapDeal’s Marketing Strategy In the beginning, the only form of marketing for Snapdeal was through social media, mainly Facebook, Twitter and various blogs. By the end of 2010, using radio, TV and even sponsorships, Snapdeal had managed to warm the hearts of an otherwise hard-to-sell internet-wary society. Snapdeal plans to drive marketing through ‘Analytics’ in order to move from mass media campaigns and focus more on data driven marketing techniques that ensure every rupee of marketing spend is measured. This helps them to analyze the buying behavior of the consumer and pitch a product to the target consumer accordingly. Latest Developments at Snapdeal Traffic Rankings According to Alexa the web traffic analytics company Snapdeal is 37th most popular website in India and 557th in the world as on July 2013. Most of the users are male aged between 18 to 26 years. Company is eying sales growth of over 2000 crore in 2013-2104. Snapdeal Vs Flipkart Snapdeal from the start of 2013 is catching up with India’s most popular ecommerce website Flipkart. Page views per user the metric which tells user engagement with the website is around 5. 5 for Snapdeal (increase of 1. 5 pageview per user from 2012) if we take last 6 months average, same is around 8 for Flipkart. Average time spent per user on website has also increased from 5mins to little over 6 mins which is a positive sign. There is good amount of competition between Flipkart and Snapdeal and users usually visit both of these website before making a decision to buy. Logistics They also have a shipping platform called Safeship, which has integrated large number of local and national courier companies so that there is no burden on the sellers to find a courier service. Sellers can track and manage movement of product by themselves. SnapDeal provides Cash on Delivery and EMI options which has got lot of favour from Indians as lot of them don’t have credit/debit cards, and those who have are sceptical of using them online. With the advent of interest free EMI option lot of Indians who don’t have immediate cash can use this option to pay principal and the interest in easy instalments. Snapdeal on Mobile Snapdeal has launched its mobile app both on GooglePlay for free. Through this app user can easily see mobile version of website as an app on their smartphones, improved search lets you narrow down search using sort and refine. Snapdeal hopes to increase its customer base as more and more people are using tablets and smartphones now days. App can identify user location and give customized deals for user of that city. Snapdeal User Reviews for Products Buyers can now review products by adding comments and stars against the items they purchase. Pros, Cons, and average rating lets the prospective buyers decide on various parameters before the make the purchase. Comments also engage buyers as they feel the part of the system and Indians are always good at reviewing. Social Media Integration Users can now share the products they like or buy on their favourite social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. These external links provide fresh web traffic to Snapdeal. TrustPay TrustPay protects customers with a 100% moneyback guarantee if there is any issue with product quality, size or delivery. Trustpay payment system can be used by other online retailers to connect to global payment systems of Visa/Mastercard. Snapdeal has filed for intellectual property protection for Trust pay because of the potential it has. Zero Inventory model Company does not hold inventory which has become important for any company operating in India as India has large supply side, which gives Snapdeal opportunity to collaborate with this unorganized and large supply side without making investments in Inventory. Also for large inventory one needs to hire thousands of people. Large logistics area, and high operating costs are incurred. Marketplace model also benefits when a seller wants to sell his unsold items quickly, which otherwise on retail malls can take considerable time. Most Lovable City: Online Campaign Snapdeal initiated mylovecapital campaign where people voted for their most loved city on the eve of Valentine’s Day of 2013. Voting for the event began on February 4 and the website recorded votes from people across the country. Delhi emerged winner with 53,174 votes followed by Mumbai with 49,010 votes and Srinagar with 29,047 votes from all over India on its website mylovecapital. com. It was an endeavour to bring back positivity and love for ur country, cities and its people. To publicize the event various videos were also uploaded on youtube. Anshuman, actor and singer campaigned for Chandigarh and Delhi, while stars such as Saniamirza campaigned for Hyderabad. Some major achievements for SnapDeal. com Snapdeal Buys Sports amp; Fitness Equipment E-com Startup eSportsBuy E-commerce firm Jasper I nfotech Pvt Ltd, which runs the daily deals and now horizontal e-com site Snapdeal. com, has acquired  eSportsBuy. com, an online retailer of sports and fitness equipment and accessories. eSportsBuy was started in 2011 by IIT Delhi alumni  Prateek Agarwal  and  Amit Monga. Snapdeal already stocks some sports equipment but these are not showcased as a separate category (we found badminton racquets featured in the ‘Kids amp; Toys’ category). So eSportsBuy would certainly help boost Snapdeal’s vendor relations for those products and also help expand the product catalogue in that segment. For eSportsBuy, it would mean a bigger platform to be associated with and that can help it bargain harder with vendors, at least as long as it maintains the site independently. It could also draw synergies in operations, especially at the backend. For Snapdeal, this is the second acquisition to build out its business. In 2010, it had acquired group buying site  Grabbon  and that site now redirects to Snapdeal. com. Snapdeal also has the means to take the inorganic route to expand quickly. Last year, it had risen over $50 million in two rounds of funding – from  Bessemer Venture Partners and Nexus Venture Partners  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ as well as from the existing investor Indo-US Venture Partners. Indias Top 10 Buzziest brands In February 2012, Snapdeal. com was ranked 7th in India in the Afaqs annual poll for buzz making brands, that the consumers found exciting enough to talk about. Online shopping site Snapdeal to increase headcount Snapdeal increased its headcount by adding 500 people by the next six months starting from March 2012. Snapdeal earmarks $20 mn for acquisitions Snapdeal. com has earmarked $20 million (around Rs. 100 crore) to make up to four acquisitions by 2012. Snapdeal set to enter music, movies and books segment In June 2012, E-commerce company Snapdeal. com ventured into music, movies and books segment one of the most lucrative segments for online retailing. Way Ahead Taking note of the way SnapDeal. com is expanding its reach and winning hearts, the future definitely looks very bright for the brand. Apart from geographic expansion, Snapdeal. om has forayed into new categories which have shown excellent traction in the brief period since launch. The two new categories introduced were – products and travel. The product categories include very attractive deals, typically 50 per cent off on products such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets branded fashion products, sunglasses wallets, an d among others. In the case of travel, SnapDeal. com features the best leisure and business travel destinations across India at national best prices. Competition for the brand though on face seems to be growing with the emergence and existence of other websites like ebay, tradus etc.